
The Answer to Health is NOT in a Bottle

Today I received my first solicitation call. The person was trying to interest me in a “magic” product line to get even my “toughest” patients well. That conversation prompted this brief post.

The answer to your health concerns are not to be found in a bottle. There is no such thing as a magic pill (or capsule or powder). There is no magic prescription medication or herb or vitamin.

Yes, these things can help you feel better, at times, but only the body can cure. Some of these things, especially herbs and homeopathic medicines can aid the body to heal, but your body does the healing, not the “medicine” found in a bottle. When you break your arm or scrape your knee, your body heals. This is true for chronic disease as well. To heal, the body needs the obstacles which are standing in the way removed. Then the body can be given a gentle “nudge” with appropriate herbs, hydrotherapy, or homeopathic remedy.

In future post(s), I will expand on the way herbs, homeopathy, and hydrotherapy can aid in the body’s ability to return to health.

-Olif Wojciechowski, ND