
Picture of Dr. Luc Montagnier, a french virologist

Homeopathy in the Media

Homeopathy is by far the most controversial modality in naturopathic medicine. This article provides the best explanation and overview of homeopathy that I have seen in mainstream news. It is well worth the read for both skeptics and believers alike.

This article provides a likely explanation for how homeopathy works. Not understanding the mechanism behind homeopathy has been a major factor leading to skepticism and outright rejection of it. Not understanding the mechanism behind how something works, however, is not proof that it does not work. It merely illustrates the limit of our current understanding. Homeopathy’s use of infinitesimal doses challenges our understanding of the physical world.

Homeopathy is often viewed as not being scientific. Merriam-Webster defines science as “knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation.” Hahnemann was an incredible, meticulous scientist- experimenter and observer- who was far ahead of his time.

Enjoy the article!