About Dr. Olif Wojciechowski, NMD

Dr. Olif Wojciechowski, N.D. Moscow Idaho

“My personal journey has brought Me To You.

    I am excited to learn what brings You To Me.”

Together, we can overcome your struggles with:


Thyroid disorders

Hormonal changes

Autoimmune disease

Mood swings, anxiety

Night sweats, insomnia

I can help you rebuild your health.

So What’s My Story…

I am a medical information junky, a problem solver, a thinker, a doctor. As an introvert, I love spending much of my free time on my own gathering information about medicine, health, and healing to better serve you. This is what I am truly passionate about!

You Can Achieve Health Through the Knowledge I Gain

I find awe in new science; yet don’t forget the path forged by our elders. Modern science is amazing! I have fun keeping up on the latest information and applying it to your healthcare needs. I also have much respect for those who came before me and build on what I learn from them.

Yesterday’s Medicine for Today’s World: A Blending of Modern Science and Proven Traditional Therapies

As a graduate of a 4-year naturopathic medicine program at National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon, I know the training I received included the best of both worlds. I am trained in primary care with the best modern science has to offer. I am also trained in several holistic modalities, some as old as mankind itself. I am truly an expert in holistic care. I am proud and blessed to be a part of this profession.

My Journey from Patient to Healer

I have been practicing in the Palouse area, but my journey doesn’t begin there.

As a child, I was…well…a “high achiever” (my peers commonly called this a “nerd”). Yes, I always had my nose in a book (or a pencil in my hand solving math equations). I pushed myself to succeed throughout school. By high school, I was employed in a grocery store, played in a band, all in addition to holding down full Honors classes. My stress was high, diet was poor, and sleep was little. I was out of balance but had no idea.

Fast forward a few years later, I was a college student, a single mother; yet I felt no sense of purpose. I continued to push myself, literally not knowing how to relax, because there was always something that I felt I should have been doing. At this time, I had developed acne, for which I began a 1-year course of antibiotics. A few years after this, my energy CRASHED.

  • What if I had known the long-term effects antibiotics can have on digestive health?
  • What if I had known the effects of inadequate sleep?
  • What if I had known how chronic stress wreaks havoc on one’s health?
  • What if I had known about food intolerance and how to make better eating choices?
  • What if I had not ignored initial symptoms, like acne, and sought treatment sooner?
  • What if I had learned how to live a balanced life?

This and more I learned, as I sought out care from naturopathic medicine and became a doctor myself. I had also found that sense of purpose that I had been longing for.

As a Woman, I Understand the Struggles You Face

You are the quintessential multitasker, and it never ends- career, children, husband, chores- you do it all- no task too large, no task too small! But where does this leave you? How do you find time to be healthy? You may be experiencing guilt, because you feel you don’t have the health to be the mother your children deserve, the wife you desire to be, the grandmother you had as a child, or the career of your dreams. I know your struggles, I have been there myself. Life is about happiness, living to one’s higher purpose. I can teach you to rebuild your health to bring you the happiness you deserve.